教师 & 人力资源



  • Any concerns you are having about the mental wellness of a 学生
  • How to talk with a 学生 about the 咨询中心
  • Sudden tragic events that impact your 学生 such as an unexpected death of a 学生 在你的课堂上. 咨询中心可以提供情况汇报
  • 方案规划
  • 关于向哪里推荐学生的指导
  • 回答一般心理健康问题


The following trainings have been created to support both faculty and staff in understanding the mental health needs of 学生s and available resources."咨询中心 would hope that you find the presentations helpful. 如果你有任何问题,请提出来 reach out to the counseling center at (773)995-2383


On campus contact the CSU Campus Police at (773) 995-2111 and off campus call 911 识别遇险学生

As a faculty or staff member interacting daily with 学生s, you are in an excellent position to recognize behavior changes that characterize the emotionally troubled 学生. A 学生's behavior, especially if it is inconsistent with your previous observations, could well constitute an attempt to draw attention to their plight: 呼救声." Your ability to recognize the signs of emotional distress and your courage to acknowledge your concerns directly to the 学生 are often noted by 学生s as the most significant factor in their successful problem resolution. 下面是 list of signs that may indicate that a 学生 is in distress:


  • 工作质量的重大转变
  • 错过任务或约会
  • Repeated absence from class, exams, and other activities
  • Continual requests for unusual accommodations (late papers, extensions, postponed 考试等.)
  • Essays or papers that express hopelessness, social isolation, rage, or despair
  • Lack of engagement in participation-oriented classes
  • 不合适的中断
  • 垄断课堂时间


  • 过度焦虑或恐慌
  • Apathy, lack of energy, a change in sleeping or eating habits, or dramatic weight 得失
  • Marked changes in personal hygiene, work habits, or social behavior
  • 情绪高度
  • 隔离或撤退
  • Overtly suicidal thoughts, such as referring to suicide as a current option
  • 赠送珍贵的个人物品
  • 易怒或攻击性行为增加
  • Bizarre thinking, seemingly at odds with the reality of the situation (such as paranoia)
  • 过度使用酒精/药物


  • Direct statements indicating family problems, personal losses such as death of a family 成员或一段关系的分手
  • Expressions of concern about a 学生 by peers
  • Written note or verbal statement that has a sense of hopelessness or finality
  • Your sense, however vague, that something is seriously amiss


Taking the step to assist a 学生 can save a life (or many lives). 一个人 who is distressed often wants help but doesn't know how to ask. 你可以开始 process by expressing your concern in a caring, nonjudgmental way. 通过提供帮助, you can play an essential role in maintaining the health and wellness of our 学生s 他们追求学术卓越.

  • 找一个私密、舒适的地方谈话. 给学生你全部的注意力. It is possible that just a few minutes of effective listening on your part may be enough to help the 学生 feel comfortable about what to do next. 询问学生是否 has ever talked about this problem with anyone else, including a counselor. 试着 get an accurate understanding of the issues, and, if appropriate, encourage the 学生 和专业人士谈谈情况.
  • In your own words, express your concern using statements like, "I'm concerned that...".
  • 问开放式问题. The 学生 may choose not to answer, but may feel relieved 知道你在努力理解.
  • 不要强迫自己去寻找解决方案. 通常,倾听就足够了.
  • Suggest that the 学生 can get more help, if needed.
  • Don't hesitate to ask for support from the 咨询中心 staff, Director of Health & 健康服务,或者学生主任.


Do not attempt to make a referral when the 学生 is so upset and confused that they 听不懂也听不进去. 等学生冷静下来再说 to be able to converse and respond to your suggestions.

  • Suggest that the 学生 make an appointment with the 咨询中心 staff by contacting 电话:(773)995-2383或crsub190.
  • If necessary, you can help the 学生 make an appointment. 打电话给咨询中心 at (773) 995-2383 while the 学生 is with you. 写下预约细节; including time, counselor’s name, and location of the Center.
  • If the 学生 is hesitant to make an appointment, explain to the 学生 that:
    1. Counseling at 188bet金宝搏官网登录网址 is confidential. 这意味着信息 about the 学生 cannot be released to other University offices, family members or faculty without the 学生’s written permission (except when the 学生 is in danger 伤害自己或他人). 咨询记录不保存在任何 学业成绩和成绩受法律保护.
    2. The services are free to currently registered CSU 学生s.
    3. The first meeting is an intake or consultation session.


A crisis is a situation in which an individual's usual style of coping is no longer effective, and the emotional or physiological response begins to escalate. 作为情绪 intensify, coping becomes less effective, until the person becomes disoriented, nonfunctional, 或试图伤害自己或他人. If a 学生 is in a serious mental health crisis, 你可能会看到或听到以下迹象: 

  • 自杀陈述或自杀企图
  • Written or verbal violence or acting out violently
  • 破坏财产或者其他犯罪行为
  • 极度焦虑导致恐慌反应
  • 无法沟通.g., garbled or slurred speech, disjointed thoughts)
  • 失去与现实的联系(例如.g., seeing or hearing things that aren't there, expressing (与现实不符的信念或行为)
  • 高度破坏性行为(如.g.(敌意、侵略、暴力)

Counseling faculty will come to your class/meeting and present a talk on topics such as:

  • 考试焦虑
  • 压力管理
  • 情绪的自我保健
  • 心理健康
  • 悲伤和失去的问题
  • 愤怒管理

The 咨询中心 can also tailor a presentation to your specific needs.

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